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 そうやっておもうと、手や耳、髪の毛や爪、ほくろやすね毛まで、先の先までデザインされたわ たしやわたしたちにも、全ての祝福がそこここにされているような気持ちにもなってきて、ちょっと心に荒れすさぶ風が吹いたり、ダークネスが宿 ったりするときには、スノーフレークの実をこれからはイメージしようかとおもう。


flower drawing.jpg

‘Blessings Here and There’

   I decorated my house with a single stem of Summer Snowflake from my garden.
Left it there for a while, as I was busy, and besides, I think that dried flowers are beautiful, anyway. Then one day, I noticed that the little flowers puffed up seeds.

Becoming a withered flower was not the end. While I’ve kept myself busy, the flowers have grown their seeds faithfully.


   What would you say? About the fact that as a stem grows there’s already the part which will be a flower, and even though that part is still small, it already has the blue print in it?

What would you say? About the fact that one seed has all the parts inside it and one part will become a stem, another will become a flower, and so on, a petal, a stamen...

What is this feeling of mine? Why do I feel this is so crazy amazing?

   Then, my thoughts move on to my hands, ears, hair, fingernails, moles, and leg hair... You and I, we are designed meticulously down to the smallest detail. It makes me feel we are all blessed. From now on, when I have a hard day or when my heart is covered in darkness, I will remind myself about the seeds of the Summer Snowflake.

   Give blessings here and there.

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